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In this screencap from Big, the role of Amanda is played by Suzy. The role of Korean drama is played by Gong Yoo. |
It’s physically impossible for you to be within seventy feet of a computer without checking Dramabeans and Couch Kimchi for updates.
You’ve watched more than 5 drama episodes in a row…after midnight.
At any given moment, you know how much a plane ticket to Seoul would cost. (A ten-day birthday trip in October? Roundtrip Boston to Incheon, $1,235.50.)
You’ve ever canvassed the local Asian markets in search of a bottle of soju…or six.
You can’t see a Mini Cooper without checking the driver’s seat for Choi Han Gyul.
You’ve watched more than 5 drama episodes in a row…after midnight.
At any given moment, you know how much a plane ticket to Seoul would cost. (A ten-day birthday trip in October? Roundtrip Boston to Incheon, $1,235.50.)
You’ve ever canvassed the local Asian markets in search of a bottle of soju…or six.
You can’t see a Mini Cooper without checking the driver’s seat for Choi Han Gyul.
You’ve caused yourself actual physical pain by doing the finger-flick against your own forehead, just because you wanted to know what the leads in your drama were going through.
You think your bedroom décor would be massively improved with the addition of Piggy Bunny.
You religiously read DramaTic, and plan to consider it a significant personal milestone when you’re finally able to recognize at least half of the dramas mentioned by name in any given post.
You’ve said the word aigoo aloud in a totally unironic manner.
You live in fear of Internet data caps.
You’ve watched a raw drama episode before it was subbed. You had no idea what the hell was going on, but at least the wait was over.
Your neighbors have ever asked why you were bellowing, “For the love of God, look both ways before you cross the road!” while alone in your apartment.
You can’t read a single song title on your iPod’s top 25 list. (But they’re all categorized as “Kdrama OST.”)
You can sing along with each of said top 25 songs—phonetically.
You've turned your family and friends into a crack team of spies North Korea would envy. Every time they come across something related to South Korea, however tangentially, they drop everything to let you know. ("Guess where my new underwear were made!")
You’ve watched a raw drama episode before it was subbed. You had no idea what the hell was going on, but at least the wait was over.
Your neighbors have ever asked why you were bellowing, “For the love of God, look both ways before you cross the road!” while alone in your apartment.
You can’t read a single song title on your iPod’s top 25 list. (But they’re all categorized as “Kdrama OST.”)
You can sing along with each of said top 25 songs—phonetically.
You've turned your family and friends into a crack team of spies North Korea would envy. Every time they come across something related to South Korea, however tangentially, they drop everything to let you know. ("Guess where my new underwear were made!")
A disproportionate number of the bookmarks in your Web browser have the word Korea in them.
You’ve re-watched your favorite Korean drama from beginning to end in 48 hours or less for the express purpose of improving your mood after a terrible week.
Your consumption of rice, ramen, and green onions has recently skyrocketed.
Learning Korean has moved from item 8.751 x 10800 to number 10 on your list of things to do before you die. (And it’s only slightly more likely to happen than item 11: Make out with Gong Yoo.)
You think the hanbok is a good, universally flattering look that should be revived in the modern world. And your closet.
You have your own Kdrama blog. (Bonus points if counting your own visits would probably quintuple the number of hits it has received.)
Learning Korean has moved from item 8.751 x 10800 to number 10 on your list of things to do before you die. (And it’s only slightly more likely to happen than item 11: Make out with Gong Yoo.)
You think the hanbok is a good, universally flattering look that should be revived in the modern world. And your closet.
You have your own Kdrama blog. (Bonus points if counting your own visits would probably quintuple the number of hits it has received.)
You know the full names of every character in Sungkyunkwan Scandal, but suspect you can accurately pronounce none of them. (Or, indeed, the show’s title.)
You’ve watched a single drama more than three times…in one month.
Your primary reason for wanting a boyfriend/husband/older brother is to have an opportunity to call someone “oppa.” If you have a boyfriend/husband/older brother, you have—much to his surprise and confusion—called him “oppa.”
You’ve worried about the military enlistment of a man you’ve never met, in a country you’ve never been to. (Will the other soldiers pick on him because he distracted their girlfriends by being so cute in his dramas?!?!)
...Any others?
Ha ha!! You always make me laugh. I have done so many of those. You saw my post about rewatching Coffee Prince and I am currently working on learning Korean as of this week :P. How about You start relating your friends and family's real life situations to kdramas when giving advice and they give you looks like WTF is she talking about and when will she shut up lol. Or, you have to make other kdrama obsessed friends online so you can have a scheduled chat about your favorite kdrama (me, you, and Sara lol) and you are so excited about it that you post about it on your FB status even though you know everyone will make fun of you.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes.. when will we have another chat???
DeleteBTW. rice, ramen and GREEN ONIONS is completely correct. Every grocery list I give to my oppa goes something like this: "Bananas, bagels, block of extra sharp cheddar.. and I think we only have two bundles of greens onions left.. better get some more."
Teehee...I definitely give advice right out of Kdramas—it’s exciting that they provide a whole new world of aphorisms. (”The deep-rooted tree doesn’t sway” has been coming up a lot lately, but my longtime favorite is from Playful Kiss: ”Every pot has a lid.”)
DeleteAttending online drama-watching meetings is *definitely* a sign of unhealthy obsession. And (of course) I think we should meet up again soon ;)
Who knew green onions were so tasty? I put them on practically everything now...they're definitely a positive legacy of my Kdrama obsession. (Good to know there's one, at least.)
DeleteLOL!!! omg, that is so funny about posting on FB. I started watching K-dramas about 4 or 5 months ago, and i desprerately wanted to share my obsession. I've even posted links all over peoples walls. haha. Everyone is ignoring my post, probably don't want to encourage me.
DeleteI wanna have a scheduled kdrama chat too! After watching 5 historical dramas in a row, I desperately searched around my hometown for Makkolli- korean rice wine- to no avail until I decided to drive 60 miles to Korea town to go to a grocery store and buy 10 bottles. I couldn't drink it until I bought the bowls they drink out of too. Needless to say it was delicious and I only acted out a few different drunk scenes from my favorite dramas. Lol
DeleteHi, I am new here. I am also interested in Kdrama chat. I am Asian ( not Korean), living in US. I thought we could share your thoughts about movies, culture here. Count me in. How will we start out chat? My name is Ha Nguyen.
Delete...If you read this list, realized a few scenarios you haven't yet experienced, and immediately set out to rectify the problem.. *searching roundtrip flights to Seoul... Now.... tomorrow: buy hanbok*
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, I can actually read my ipod's top 25 list - but I doubt I ever get close to correct pronounciation.. :D
I’m way too timid to actually buy that ticket to Seoul, but it’s fun to know that such a thing is possible. (I was even curious enough to look up which direction the plane would fly in—I’m so incredibly far from Korea I wasn’t sure if across Europe or the Pacific would be faster. It’s the Pacific, as it turns out.)
DeleteWow, after reading this I can see that I'm not nearly as far gone as I thought. Always glad to see that there are people more obsessed than me. :)
ReplyDeleteI long ago realized that I have an addictive personality, which is why I stay away from things like drugs and video games. I figure if I'm going to fall head over heels for something, it might as well be morally laudable television from Asia ;)
DeleteAmanda we have to talk Big soon!! Episode 14 renewed my love for the show and I am so antsy to see what the ending will be!!! And I am now officially obsessed with A Gentleman's Dignity, it is up there with Coffee Prince for me provided they don't ruin the ending. It is so well written!! It would be a good one to have a chat together when you decide to watch it.
ReplyDeleteI'm psyched to hear that they've finally managed to put the brakes on Big's downhill slide, and look forward to watching the last few episodes.
DeleteWeirdly, though, I'm now Coffee-Prince-level obsessed with Spring Waltz. It's like the people who made it finally got the formula just right, and figured out how to avoid all the annoying things that pretty much ruined the first three dramas in the Endless Love series. It's magical and charming and lovely (without being pokey and overwrought and ridiculous), and it was literally all I could do not to call in sick today so I could stay home and marathon the last 10 episodes. It's just my flavor of crack, so it's unclear when I'll finally surface ;)
Also, the boys in it are soooo cute.
Hmmm, maybe I'll start watching Spring Waltz because I thought A Gentleman's Dignity would be finished airing this week, but evidently there are 20 episodes instead of 16, so I will have to watch something in between waiting for episodes of it and Big to air. I have never watched any of the endless love series because I heard they dragged really badly. But seeing as I am having the period from hell (sorry to any guys who read this blog) and my cramps were so bad I had to leave work early (like seriously I imagine this is very close to what it feels like to give birth, I have been hold up on the couch with the heating pad for hours) this would be a good day to check it out and marathon some episodes if I like it lol.
ReplyDeleteThe other Endless loves dramas may drag - but there's definitely merit to having seen them. I'm only halfway through, so I won't be watching Spring Waltz for awhile, but I honestly loved Autumn in My Heart and Winter Sonata - even while admitting that they're not exactly perfect by any means.
DeleteI agree that it's worth just getting your feet wet in the Endless Love dramas, as they're so important in the history of Kdrama as a global force. I've watched them in order, and can report that they do get wicked draggy—I actually skipped from episode 7 to episode 20 in Summer Scent, it was so dull. Every scene was thirty seconds of dialogue, two minutes of crying, and four minutes of flower close-ups :b
DeleteI loved Winter Sonata, though, and liked three-quarters of Autumn in My Heart. (The end was a bit much, I thought.) So far, Spring Waltz is much brighter and better-paced than the others in the series: There's even some narrative complexity, rather than being four episodes of kid actors followed by 16 episodes of grown-ups. It could still wind up sucking, but so far it's eating my brain in a way very few dramas manage.
Oh, and I wouldn't worry about any boys reading this blog. Other than four or five regulars (bless your hearts), I wouldn't worry about *anybody* reading it, in fact ;)
DeleteYay for being a regular! Should we start leaving comments like this: "FIRST PERSON TO COMMENT!! WOOO!!! Ok, now I'll go and read what you wrote" ??? =D
DeleteLOL. Leaving "first comment!" posts here would either be tremendously rewarding or horribly disappointing, depending on your perspective. There's very little competition, after all, so anyone wanting that fist spot could easily snatch it almost every time ;)
DeleteHa ha like first graders trying to be the first ones back to the classroom after recess :P
DeleteGentlemen's Dignity was really good. That's getting into my age range somewhat (I'm still way older). I really love the song CN Blue's Jong Hyun sang, My Love. It is so beautiful. I have a You Tube recording of it I listen to all the time. It has the Korean, romanization and English translation of the words. I'm trying to learn it so I can sing along.
DeleteI started watching Spring Waltz yesterday, but only made it through the first 2 episodes before falling asleep. (Not because I was particularly bored with the show, just because I wasn't feeling well) It has a really beautiful opening and I didn't realize it has that one actor from Sam Soon, Daniel Henney right? This one girl that follows my blog told me that he's half Caucasion American and half Korean and that is why he speaks such good English (I had commented on his mad English skills lol). He is SO handsome!!! The same girl also told me that there is going to be an SBS kpop concert in Los Angeles right by where she lives. I'm so jealous because three of the bands have actors from dramas I have watched that will be performing. Oh why do I have to live in the other side of the country....
ReplyDeleteDaniel Henney actually grew up in the US, and I think he only learned Korean as an adult. Which explains why he's so great at English....now if only he was great at acting, too ;) He's so hot I'll forgive almost anything, though, including his middle-school-level performance in this show.
DeleteI was thinking that my Spring Waltz love may come from the same brain cells as my Boys over Flowers love—it's a lovely, wish-fulfilly fairy-tale. So maybe as someone who didn't like BoF, Spring Waltz won't be your cup of tea. As of episode 12 it's totally one of my favorite dramas of all time, I think =X I love how it looks and feels, I love the characters, I love the slowly-doled out plot secrets, and I love the swoony romance. ::sigh::
Yeah I didn't think his acting was that great in Sam Soon either, but he is wonderful to look at lol. I just started episode 5. It's definitely got a complicated plot set up and I'm interested to see how it plays out. I like some fairy taleish stuff, I liked Shining Inheritance and that's definitely a Cinderella story. Goong was good too. I have to say though that I really love the opening theme song, but might go crazy if they don't stop playing it 5 and 6 times every episode lol. The instrumental music and the way they use colors and scenery reminds me of the 2005 film version of Pride and Prejudice (one of my favorite movies of all time!!) It is really beautifully filmed, like I think so far it's worth watching just for the pretty colors and scenery.
ReplyDeleteI haven't watched any of the entries in the Endless Love series. They just seem like they'd be a little too makjang for me. And while Daniel Henney is attrative, he doesn't exactly make me swoon. But ya'll are making me curious about Spring Waltz. I might have to try it out one day soon. It'll have to be after I'm done with Bridal Mask, I Do, I Do, Equator Man, and Dandelion Family all of which I'm watching right now. I used to watch these one at a time. I don't know what's happened to me. Oh, and just a heads up. If any of you are curious about Time Slip Dr Jin, don't be. Blech.
ReplyDeleteI just finished watching I Do, I Do last night. You're going to love the last episode!! It left me with such a nice warm and fuzzy feeling lol. I Do, I Do didn't like rock my world or anything but it turned out to be a really sweet drama that definitely made me smile, especially in the last few episodes. How is Bridal Mask?
ReplyDeleteYeah, I agree. I Do, I Do isn't wonderful, but it's nice and cozy and kinda sweet. I'm really into Bridal Mask on the other hand. It took a couple of episodes for me to get into, but that's normally the case for me. It's not perfect but the acting is wonderful as well as the set and costume design. And real action scenes. Not that weak ass action like in City Hunter (sorry, those fight scenes were laughable). Just the fact that the hero of the show is someone you absolutely hate the first 5 or 6 episodes and then start to root for makes it a win for me.
Deleteloved every minute of it! also, faith, which is not most peoples favorite, but i can't get enough of the scenery and the costumes and the delicate love of the leads. they are both such pretty people who really made me believe in their roles, but i love that sort of stuff anyway lol!
DeleteI love I DO I DO. I was already crazy about Kim Sun Ah but now I'm just as crazy about Lee Jan Woo. He is so darned cute! Have you watched Kim Sun Ah's Scent of a Woman? It's really good too.
DeleteDonna-Hmmmm definitely osunds interesting. I have been wondering about that one. I will keep what you said in mind.
ReplyDeleteAmanda-Okay, so Spring Waltz isn't on Coffee Prince or A Gentleman's Dignity level for me, but it is definitely "cracktacular" as you say, so far. I am definitely enjoying it and it keeps me wanting to know what happens next. It probably won't ever make it up there with CP for me because the acting is only so so and I am really into dialogue and it doesn't have the most well written dialogue ever, but it does have an addicting plot, nice looking guys, beautiful scenery, and good music thus far. Eun Young is just so darn cute!!
The dialogue is actually kind of horrible =X Sure, Daniel Henney can't act, but in his defense it would take lifetime-acheivement-Oscar level skills to make the things he has to say sound anything but ridiculous. Still, I love it ;)
DeleteI agree that it's ultimately no Coffee Prince, but it sure is fun. (At this point it's become clear that no drama will ever hold a candle to CP.
Did you see that there's a new girl-dressed-as-boy drama coming up? I can't wait =X
ReplyDeleteYou should add point values next to each thing on the list so we can add all the one's that apply to us and see our respective totals.
That would be simultaneously genius and sad. Because, after all, I would get full points for *all* of these things ;)
DeleteI like the point values idea too!!
ReplyDeleteOMG I know, I was actually going to tell you about that drama!! I saw it on Koala's blog. So excited!! lol.
gaaaaah- this list is so awesome! *off to share*
ReplyDeleteGood grief! Thank you for sharing... When I signed on, I was all "Clearly, Blogger is broken or being attacked by hackers, because there's no way I would ever get this many hits." ;)
DeleteI should probably update this list. I've had months to fall to new lows of obsession.
thanks to soomp a trillion and 1 kdrama addicts are all reading your chats now ^__^ This list is awesome and 100% true .
ReplyDeleteTeehee...thanks! I've done all these things and more, unfortunately ;)
Deletelol. This is so true. I haven't done all of them but probably at least half. haha
ReplyDeletelol... me too... and I also say aish!, assa and OMO in some situations... sometimes I say kumawo also...lol I taught I was the only one crazy about kdrama... lol
Deleteand you regularly talk to others with korean phrases you've learned from watching several dramas a day and wonder why they don't understand you!
ReplyDeleteall your pets have korean names like JiJi or koyangi.
Yes! I recently did that at work. My boss asked me about doing something and I said, yes, one by one. From Secret Garden. I had this big grin on my face. I know he wondered what was going on!!
DeleteWell i know i do some f those things glad to see i am notbthe only one but one thing i never looked up how much was it to go to korea from philly inshallah one day hajj 1st.
ReplyDeleteWell, I not only looked up the cost of the flight but I booked it and went to Korea for 11 days last April, 2012. I visited Seoul, DMZ, Gyeonju, Busan and Jeju Island. I did a night dining tour in Seoul, took a Korean cooking class and visited temples and palaces. Jeju Island was beautiful. Went to a set there (Painter of the Wind) where you could dress up like the characters. Last night back in Seoul I stayed at the Grand Ambassador. When I got to my floor the hallway was filled with camera equipment and camermen just sitting around playing on their smartphones. The porter apologized because they were filming a drama in the room right across from mine! No need to apologize, it was the icing on the cake for me. Never did find out the name of the drama though. In Busan I stayed at the Commodore Busan. It was recently featured in the drama Haeundae Lovers. It is a beautiful and ornate hotel. Also in Busan went to the UN Cemetery there. It was a very sobering experience. I was amazed how appreciative the Korean people are about the assistance we gave them during the Korean war. So many people would say thank you and they love Americans. Trip of a lifetime. The people were warm and welcoming. No language problems as they all wanted to practice their English. I have to go back!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to hear Coffee Prince is most everyone's #1 favorite show. It was the second drama I watched and I was so affected by it that I bought a Mini CooperS Cabrio just like in the drama. My license plate name is Ji Cheol, part of Gong Yoo's real name. I found that Ji means wisdom but I couldn't find out what Cheol means so I made up my own meaning. So my license plate in English reads Wisdom, lack thereof. Pretty appropriate, eh? And I did a road trip last June to Palisades Park, NJ where there is a Coffee Prince coffee house. The cute Korean waiters dress in the outfits worn in the drama and the coffee house is set up similar to the one in the drama. Also while I was there I went to see the US East Coast premiere of Hyun Bin's film Late Autumn. Fantastic road trip!
Yoon Eun Hye and Kim Sun Ah are my favorite female actresses. I have to watch everything they are in. Yoon Eun Hye's Goong and Coffee Prince are my favorites of hers. Kim Sam Soon and I Do I Do are my favorites of Kim Sun Ah.
My love right now is Hyun Bin. I follow all the Korean newspapers, websites and forums just to keep up with him and my other favorite actors. Can't wait for him to be discharged from the Marines on Dec. 6.
I have logged 1375 hours of watching dramas since Oct. 2010. I keep a spreadsheet on them with notes. I watch about 5 dramas at a time: two that are currently running, one historical, one older one so I can catch up on seeing every one ever made, a repeat of one of my most beloved dramas: Coffee Prince, Kim Sam Soon, Goong or Secret Garden.
I have kimchi at least once a day, make Bulgogi and green onion pancakes at least once a month, visit my Korean grocery once a week for my weekly stash of kimbap and have to try at least one new thing I haven't tried before.
My iPod is heavily Korean drama OSTs, along with songs by Kim Bum Soo, anything ever recorded by Hyun Bin, Psy's whole Gangman Style album, and Itaewon Freedom by JYP (I stayed at the Hamilton Hotel in Itaewon while in Seoul).
I'm Irish American, never had any Asian interest at all. I stumbled upon Korean dramas while looking around on Hulu. I was just amazed and instantly addicted. I have a DramaFever Premium account. I used to devour historical romance books so I think watching dramas has replaced that interest completely. I don't watch television anymore, just dramas on my computer.
Our local Korean Fall Festival is today so I am off to watch some wonderful entertainment, eat some great food and get to see my Korean tutor who will be there. So do I qualify as an addict do you think? Annyeonghi-gaseyo, Elaine
Were you trying to make me weep with jealousy at your Seoul story? Because you almost did ;) The closest I've ever gotten to Korea is Mexico, and I can't imagine that's going to change anytime soon. I would have made a total fool out of myself if I was staying in a hotel where a drama was filming—they would have had to bodily remove me from the hall.
DeleteAnd I don't have a Mini Cooper, but I did decide to name my car Choi Han Gyul in honor of my favorite Kdrama lead. (I let people call him Choi for short, because none of my New England-based friends have any idea how to pronounce the full name. Heck, who am I kidding? I don't either.)
You are not only a Kdrama addict, you may actually be our queen ;)
DeleteIt looks like I have a lot in common with your group. I hope all of you don't mind if I follow along. It's great to be able to talk about this with others. No one I know understands at all, just shake their heads!
You're not alone: My friends and family visibly flinch every time I say the word "Korea" at this point ;) Oh well...it's their loss.
DeleteWelcome aboard!
huh? not a single reference to Lee Miho Ho? lol. <3
ReplyDeleteHe is growing on me. I have seen City Hunter and Faith and liked him and the dramas very much. Now, I'm afraid I'll be thrown out of the group before I really get started. I absolutely hate Boys over Flowers. I got to episode 3 and couldn't hack it. Then I kept hearing how great it was and how it was everyone's first love so I tried again. Got to episode 10 and said that's it. I know you're going to tell me to just stick with it and maybe after a while I'll try again but not right now. Sorry....
DeleteLOL. no way, i respect that you can't get through BOF. It is way too cutesy. It took me a while to get through City Hunter;Idky. Wasn't in love with him till Faith. The story was so flawed but he is soooo hot as the silent, gallant warrior. grrr yum.
DeleteHi Elaine,
DeleteJust read your comment up above. I love how you are so crazy. haha. just kidding. I'm so there. I only started to watching K-dramas about 6 months ago. Like you, I once had other interest, but now, everything pales. lol. I am also Irish/Amercian on my dad's side, Okinawan on my mom's. Visited Korea twice but that was pre-obsession days. I'll go back with a totally different agenda this time. haha.
I was first introduce by a Netflix article accounting the rate of tv bingeing and how Korean show were very popular. The article mentioned "shiney inheritance". That was my first show. I liked Lee Seung Gi, so my next was "girlfriend is a gumiho" then "King2Hearts" (sooo underrated). I knew game over half way thru Gumiho. I have not turned on the TV since.
I feel kinda bad that I watch all these shows online for free. I feel like i should send them some money or somthing.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI would *love* to read that article about tv on Netflix, if you still know where it is. I'm always looking for ammunition against my friends who think I'm weird for watching Kdrama so obsessively ;)
DeleteIf you're watching shows through legit sources like Netflix, Viki, or Drama Fever, you are paying their makers in one way or another. So never fear!
Hi Amanda,
DeleteHere's the link, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303740704577521300806686174.html
I reread it and to my surprise, there is only one tiny mention of Shiney Inheritance, comparing it to "24" as a high rate binger. So not sure if it's great amo, but that little blurp was the catalyst into my K-adiction. :D
Yeah, i watch all those links. Funny, I didn't sign up for any membership with DramaFever, but I don't get any commercials.
I really like Lee Seung Gi also. I have seen all 3 of the dramas you named that he was in. I began watching King2Hearts while I was in Korea. It was the real time, on air. I was so excited. It wasn't subtitled in English, of course, since I was in Korea. The timing was so right for it to be airing. I was there in April, Kim Jung Il, leader of North Korea, had just died in December and his son, Kim Jong Un had just taken over. Add to it North Korea was going to deploy a missile scheduled for the day after I was to leave. It was a tense time apparently all over the world but you would never know it, the South Koreans are so used to the hype no one paid any attention. And it was a dud! haha However it was so right for what was happening in the drama. I visited the DMZ while I was there and the ribbons on the fences praying for peace and to be able to see their loved ones again really showed me how much pain this country has suffered being the only divided nation in the world and still technically at war.
ReplyDeleteI also like Lee Seung Gi's singing. I have Crazy for You on my iPod. I love how it starts out. I'm not into K-pop, I prefer OSTs of my dramas. Did you see Royal Family? It was a bit far fetched but the song Don't Cry is an anthem. I love it.
Don't feel guilty about not paying to watch. Let's enjoy the free internet while we can. I do pay for DramaFever premium so I don't have to wait through commercials and it's really worth every penny.
I just youtubed LSG Crazy for You. Love it. He is so cute! Is he rapping or is that someone else? I also watched Don't Cry, so sweet.
DeleteWhat does OST stand for anyway?
I did love all the music in Arang (sorry, I just loved that show)...The instrumentals, the sweet songs by Shin Min Ah, and this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9YWR44Eq2A&feature=related.
OST means Original Sound Track, the music from the drama or movie. The Don't Cry I'm referring to isn't a drama, it's the name of a song in Royal Family. I didn't realize Shin Min Ah sang one of the songs in Arang. I'll have to go back and find it. Most of the actors these days are showing multiple talents, acting and singing or vice versa.
DeleteJust saw where Lee Seung Gi was voted the most likable star in a South Korean survey. I couldn't agree more.
DeleteI have to agree with that too! I can't wait for his next drama. <3
DeleteThat is wild about being, in Korea, at that time, while watching King2Hearts! Crazy. Do u think they(North Korea) new it was a dud? "na ottokae".
ReplyDeleteMy favorite series so far is Arang and the Magistrate. LOVE it. MISS it. Watching some of the episodes over again.
btw, this is the same anonymous from the last three anonymous post.
I haven't seen Royal Family. It has Seung Gi?
DeleteYes, I knew you were I just goofed up on what I was writing and deleted it causing my reply to you not to come out right!
DeleteAmanda, no it isn't Lee Seung Gi in Royal Family. It is the actor who is in Protect the Boss. Royal Family was more of a mystery rather than romance. I liked it. Protect the Boss was really funny.
DeleteI LOVE mysteries. I'll check it out.
DeleteThe song Don't Cry is right at the end of episode 1. It's only a snippet rather than the full song but it's still good!
DeleteI like Arang and the Magistrate mainly because of Shin Min Ah. I liked her in My Girlfriend is a Nine Tailed Fox. I felt it was a bit stilted in the dialogue and sci-fi fantasy just really isn't my genre but I did like the romantic aspects of it.
DeleteOh, I loved the romance too. I'm not a fantasy lover either, but this show possessed me. I thought the music score was awesome. I'm gonna check out Royal family but I've been distracted by King of Drama and I miss u. King of Dramas is starting off pretty excieting. I'm hoping for a LMH cameo :D! I miss you, will be a good filler for me.
DeleteI am watching I Miss You also. It has just gotten started so I haven't Yoon Eun Hye yet, only Mickey Yoochun. I really like the child actors. I am also watching Nice Guy/Innocent Man and it is finishing up soon. I really like Song Joon Ki. He was really good in Sungkyunkwan Scandal. He was such a dandy in that one! That's also where I began to appreciate Mickey Yoochun. He was great in Rooftop Prince. It was a hoot! I am also watching Five Fingers on Vicki with Joo Ji Hoon who I really liked in Goong. This one is quite different though. I'll have to check out King of Dramas.
DeleteI've been watching Nice Guy too. I'm not in love with it, but it's kept me watching. My fierce love and devotion to Arang makes me resent Nice Guy's sweeping ratings. lol. I'm excited to watch the finale thought :D
ReplyDeleteThe young ones in I Miss You, are so cute. I'm not good yet with the names, but the boy actor, was really good in Sun inbraces the Moon. I lost interest in that show, once the adult versions began.
I think you meant the Moon Embraces the Sun. I'm watching that now as well. I've just gotten to the part where they are no longer children so I'll have to let you know I how feel about it. I'm also watching Lovers in Paris. It is really good! It's an older drama and I was reluctant because it was outside Korea but they do return to Korea for the most of it. You can see the guy falling for the girl and not being able to figure it all out. She is resisting as well. Very cute and romantic.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, Moon Embraces the Sun. :0). I just watched episode 3 of I Miss U; tragedy of epic proportions! I'm into it. ha.
DeleteI've heard good stuff about Lovers in Paris. I'll have to watch that one as well.
I can't describe how good Lovers in Paris is. I have the same feeling for these characters that I did in Coffee Prince. Wonderful angst!
DeleteI'm watching Que Sera Sera. Smokin Hot! LMH is gonna have to share me with Eric Mun. lol
DeleteHappy Thanksgiving to all my obsessed K Drama friends. While I'll be spending quality time with children and grandchildren they won't realize what I'm having to give up to visit with them instead of watching my dramas! Oh, well, they will be going home on Saturday so I'll make up for it when they leave.
ReplyDeleteJust finished Lovers In Paris. It was really good, so romantic. The ending was quite a surprise and explained why it was so romantic. I will watch the other two in this trilogy, Lovers and Lovers in Prague, to see if they are as good.
ReplyDeleteI also started watching the King of Dramas. Very good so far. The lead actress is the one from My Lovely Kim Sam Soon, she was Hye Jin the sickly ex-girlfriend. I really didn't like her she played that character so well. But I like her so far in this one as she is the heroine!
I see Kim Sun Ah might come out with a new movie where she plays a dark character. Not finalized yet. It would be interesting to see her in such a role.
Hyun Bin was just released from the marines. YAY!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI have a single question. Can I become a regular?! I just stumbled upon this blog and have fallen in love. *imagines a so-terribly-cliche scene of running across the beach in slow motion with this blog "running" towards myself, also in slow motion* (and, by-the-way, my name is Hope. Google is being a butt and won't show my name OTL)
ReplyDeleteI love watching drama at filebook. But I'm that really obsessed. I always allot time for my favorite dramas and I plan or sometimes read reviews so I know what is interesting to watch and not. I get a load of them from filebook.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is great. Finaly I can share my obsession with someone. Thank you. I'm definitely obsessed with K-drama because I can recognize myself in most part of your description of unhealthily obsession... But, I don't care...I feel so relieved right now (because I'm not alone with fact that love for K-dramas caused passion for everything from Korea). It's my time and I enjoy it... Especially in romantic comedies... And OST songs on my playlist... And hot Korean actors. My interest in the K-pop is growing day by day also...
ReplyDeleteBut, Korean ways of love and living are so refreshing to me.
My favourite dramas are: I Need Romance, Greatest Love, Cheongdamdong Alice, A Gentleman's Dignity, Queen In-Hyun's Man, Reply 1997, Love Rain, Me Too, Flower!...
Although I am a mature woman I enjoy in youth k-dramas like BBF, Heartstrings, Goong, etc.
Love you all, K-drama fans!!!
(Sorry for my bad english)
Yes I am addicted and I don't care who knows it.The dramas have opened up a whole new world for me.I have become curious about the Korean culture,the people,the history and how they love.I realize what we are watching is only make believe I feel some of the culture would have to come through based on the way the dramas are presented..after all Koreans are writing this stuff.I found it interesting to research information presented in the historical dramas.I am the person watching more than 8 hours a day and having a ball.On a daily basis I get to test all of my senses and emotions as a result of KDramas. Thanks to all the uploaders and subbers that have helped to make my life so very happy..:-)
ReplyDeleteAmen to that!
Deletecan download korean drama here http://kdwes.org/
ReplyDeleteThis is so freakin true...I had no clue about this world and I got so addicted since last year and most of it that you mentioned I either feel that or go through it. I giggled and giggled till someone came around to see what is wrong with me (by the way @ work hehehe) I couldn't hold my laugh on looking for Choi Han Gyul and making out with Gong Yoo...(He is my top list now)
I feel like my world revolves around these websites. Thanks to them from the bottom of my heart and to the subbers who does the amazing work for translating the shows.
I am in such awe with the Kdramas that I just want to spread the word for it. Sound crazy ain't?
I've rewatched entire dramas before but not in 2 nights! My attention span has shortened since years ago, sadly. With the advent of social media and 3min youtube vids. But I guess that's why you have a blog and I don't. HA.
ReplyDeleteJust stumbled upon this blog and laughing all threw the post. I have to say I am sad I didn't know about this blog sooner. And what is this online drama-watching meetings I have never heard of this??? I must get learn the secret handshake and password!! I have been watching dramas for at least 11 years, YES I AM OLD!!! I so can relate to a lot of the post and comments on here. I have a ton of friends and only ONE likes dramas. So many times I am just in my own little world making comments that no one can follow along. Only white woman checking out the Asian men. Attempting to learn Korean, making everyone crazy since I live in Texas and everyone else is learning Spanish. But luck is on my side will be taking a 3 week vacation to Korea in October. Please from one drama lover to the another start a bail fund for me...how tall is Gong Yoo again? Do you think he will fit in my carrier on? BTW you may want to add, stock in Kleenex tissues...
ReplyDeleteOMG the last one! soo true! hahaha that happened to me when Joong Ki went to the army :'(
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed your thoughts about being obsessed. I am definitely obsessed. Your comments made me laugh until I cried. Thank you for an uplifting my day.
ReplyDeletewaaaaawww u make me laugh really coz u described our obsessed in kdrama exactly so that make kdrama more watched than other drama i'm fan of korea nd korean people especially gong yoo nd korean food it's really tasty i tried it :p
ReplyDeleteLOL,. when i saw the title of this blog post i knew i just had to read it. and my oh my i wasn't disappointed a bit. i admit i am, in one way or another, developing some form of korean drama or korean-related addiction. i say being in the medical field i'm likely not to be surprised if in the near future there were will be a form of addiction named and related to korean drama and korean culture as a whole. neverthless, there's still no diagnosis of that and i am very happy of the shows i'm watching. PS. truly bu heart love your post.
ReplyDeleteI am so addicted to Korean TV Dramas. The very first one I watched was The Great Doctor. OMG..Lee Min-Ho is awesome as the silent warrior. Really nice. Now I am watching City doctor and Secret Garden is next on my list. :)) I am burning a lot of midnight oil. LOL. Loved your blog post and you have me as a follower. Very well written too.
ReplyDeleteOH My Gosh Banu! Me too! I am totally obsessed with The Great Doctor- Faith and Lee Min Ho
DeleteCity Hunter is also awesome.I just watched those in the last 2 weeks and they are my first and this blog post is exactly how I feel. I listen to The Great Doctor-Faith soundtrack all day long on my phone!!!!
Don't know why I just read this. HILARIOUS! And slightly true on so many levels.
ReplyDeleteI'll take that number 11 with me, thank you very much :D (All hail Gong Yoo)
Seems i am partially addicted to it.. many things apply to me in the list..
ReplyDeleteI have found a blog that has koren drama transcript for some kdramas. Here is the link, maybe it can be helpful for korean learners: http://practicekorean dot weebly dot com/
ReplyDeleteI came across this post as I was googling for ways to fight off kdrama withdrawal. You see, I have just finished Oh My Venus last night -- no, this morning because it was past midnight -- and I'm still in a crazy state of missing people I don't even know in real life! I've read all the show's recaps on Dramabeans (I've even cried while reading the recaps which I know legitimizes my suspicion that I'm truly crazy) and downloaded the OST (and grinning like an idiot while listening to it) and watched more OMV-related videos on YouTube. And then I came across this post and I laughed out loud at so many items. Your list is so spot-on and several of these apply to me, I must admit. This doesn't completely heal me of my withdrawal but at least I know that I'm not alone in feeling this. :)
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ReplyDeleteI feel so happy to find this article and this blog.. I thought I really need help to get out of this delusion lol.. but at least, I know some of you feels the same like me..
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