Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Drama Short: Baby-Faced Beauty (2011) Review

Baby-faced beauty poster

Grade: B-

What it’s about
A cheerful, hardworking 34-year-old woman pretends to be 25 to take an entry-level job in a clothing manufacturer’s design department. As she proves herself professionally, she must decide between two men—her younger coworker and dreamy boss—while keeping her age a secret.

First impression
This show is mostly meh. Harmless and potentially amusing, there’s cute chemistry with the romantic lead, but as of episode 4 my world was not being rocked.

Final verdict
I take back most of the nasty things I thought (and said) about this drama. After the first few cartoony episodes, the female lead got way less stupid and much more interesting. The show itself was a harmlessly fun noona romance, something the world could definitely use more of.

Stray thoughts
I think the title must have been mistranslated—Baby-brained Beauty feels like a more natural fit.

• Only in Asia would it be such a huge, scandalous deal that someone is lying about their age. In
egalitarian America, people would probably think it was a weird thing to do but not take it personally: How we treat each other around the office has more to do with our professional status than our ages.