Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Kdrama Linkapoloza

Updated August 5, 2014

Image from the wildly funny Drama Queen on Tumblr 

As of late August of last year, I was frantically making my way through Boys over Flowers, in shock at both its utter absurdity and cracktacular awesomeness. A total Kdrama newbie, I did some Google searching in hopes of finding smart, thoughtful commentary on this hot mess of a show that was eating more brain cells that I could afford to lose, but wasn’t able to find much of anything. Sure, the ever-wonderful Dramabeans popped up immediately, but beyond that most sites I found were long abandoned.

It turns out that the problem with my search wasn’t the small number of English-speaking Kdrama fans, as I initially feared. Instead, It was the sheer massiveness of the Internet and a complete lack of a central clearing-house for Korean drama links. Most blogs have a short blogroll list, but I’ve only come across one attempt to create anything like a comprehensive list of active Kdrama sites (see the second link for Blue’s Electric Ground, below). Ever since this realization, I’ve been squirreling away the URL of every interesting site I come across relating to Korean drama.

And as someone who regularly surfs the web on a number of different computers, I have pretty much every one of those sites bookmarked at least 4 times. Which is sort of ridiculous. To address this problem and to share the wealth, I’ve decided to move my bookmarking online. Herein are the sites I’ve seen over the course of the past year that I liked enough to want to return to.

(P.S.: If you know of some other site I should add, let me know!)

Drama info

Streaming/download sources

Life in Korea/News/Gossip

Drama commentary, reviews, and recaps


  1. Gee thanks, and I thought I was going to be productive today. You know, just because you have no life, doesn't mean you have to thrust your Kdrama social lives on all of us! Oh wait, I'm already on your blog today because I already have no life.. so, nevermind. >_< I take back what I said.

    I sort of had the same problem initially - though I just knew there had to be a fanbase out there somewhere! I'd been hearing about these famed Kdramas since high school, with friends attempting to show me uber low quality Youtube videos (of what I sort of remember being Delightful Girl Choon Hyang) and thinking.. "you want me to watch this? I'm not Asian. This looks stupid. Excuse me while I go watch Metropolis, and pretend I know something about the world."

    Ahh, more endless hours to muse over what's already a majorly addictive obsession. My sincerest thanks for the recs though. Once I discovered the blog world, Kdrama got even more interesting - mainly for the mental support that I'm not the only person outside of Asian culture to suddenly find myself liking the outrageous plots and antics. I feel a lot better about myself now. :)

    1. By "productive" you mean spending a lot of time surfing websites about Kdrama, right? ;) If only I'd been more wise about investing the energy I've put into geeky pursuits like this, I'd be Queen of the World and married to Gong Yoo by now. ::sigh::

      I recently had such a Kdrama moment—I ran into a boy I dated in college, only to discover he's married with two kids. And mentally comparing our achievements, all I could come up with was "well, I started blogging about Korean drama."

    2. Anybody can be married with 2 kids. Hell, I was married with 3 kids. Chucked the husband, kept the kids. :)But it takes a special kind of person to be a kdrama blogger and I for one am grateful for this achievement of yours. And thanks for the links; I've never been able to find so many. I am a big fan of James Turnbull of The Grand Narrative though. He always has interesting links to articles from all over.

    3. I envy you the monumentally wonderful achievement of having three kids and continuing the species. But blogging about Kdrama is pretty fun, too ;)

      Thanks for the links should really go to Google Blog Search...every once in a while I search for random show titles, and always come away with exciting new places to visit.

      The Grand Narrative is definitely one of my favorite sites about Korea—trying to figure out what life is really like there based only on dramas is clearly folly, so the reality check it provides is invaluable. (Not that I actually think I'm much closer to understanding Korea than I was when I hit play on that first episode of BoF, but I'm definitely trying!) Still, it's good, eye-opening stuff.

  2. BTW: I finished TBDW yesterday. I guess I can just go ahead and admit that, well, it's just pretty fabulous. Know what was creeping me out though? The more I thought about it, and after one possibly leading scene: his bubblegum. The head NIS guy mentioned that he never used to chew bubble gum before.. and then LJK popped a big one and said "balloon" after the name of the drug.. could be reading into this a little much but.. I'm super sad it's finished. Even INR 2012 isn't really doing a good job as a replacement drama right now..

    1. Hmm..so the amnesia in TBDW is actually a metaphor for drug use?!?!? I didn't notice that scene, but it makes the show even cooler than I thought. TBDW makes me want to explore more action Kdramas—and tell LJK to be in more dramas that call on him to both act and be hot, rather than just the latter ;)

      INR 2012 is good for what it is, but to watch it after TBDW is like eating Lucky Charms after a lemon souffle from a four-star restaurant. Both wonderful experiences, but maybe not meant to happen one after the other.

  3. *stares at all the pretty links* You know you have just killed my productivity for the next few hours, right?

    Also, new dramas ahoy! Faith, Arang and To the Beautiful You all premiered now. Still haven't seen To The Beautiful You, but out of the other two: Faith was sadly disappointing, Arang slightly too slapstick but otherwise pretty good.

    1. Hours? If you're anything like me, your productivity will likely decline for *months* ;)

      You've just summed up my worst fears for both Faith and Arang. After watching Iljimae, I suddenly started to suspect that Lee Jun Ki's role choices might not match up with what I wanted from him. Slightly silly fusion sageuks are great, but there's such a thing as comedy that's too broad :b

      And here's hoping that Faith will be one of those rare dramas that gets better as it goes along. And even if it's not, it will still allow us to stare at Lee Min Ho for hours and hours, which is a pretty good substitute for actual quality.

      This is the first time I'm going to be watching Wednesday/Thursday dramas as they air, and I think Dramafever and I might disagree about the subbing timetable. If I have to wait until Monday, I'm totally defecting to Viki.

    2. I have no opinion at the moment on whether or not Faith or Arang will turn out alright since I have seen the first episode of either one yet. But I have to ask, am I the only that routinely hates the first episode (sometimes the first 2 or 3 episodes) of a majority of the dramas I watch? This has even happened with some of my favorites.

    3. I'm always wary about the first episode of something new. I think it may be because I watch so many dramas back to back (and routinely so for the past many months), so I feel like I'm always immersed in one drama or another. And I love being immersed in something amazing! Getting down and deep with the characters, feeling their pains like my own, because by the time you've watched them for 10+ hours you know them so well...

      When I start something new, the first episode is always difficult.. having to start from scratch, having to learn about the characters, the world, get acquainted with the plot.. It's like meeting strangers for the first time: Will we get along? Or are you just going to annoy for the next 20 hours? And yes, usually the first hour is usually my least favorite part of a drama. I was still basically undecided after the first episode for a lot of my favorites too: Coffee Prince, City Hall, Queen Inhyun's Man..

    4. I totally agree about taking a while to warm up to the shows I watch. You have to get to know who's who and what their motivations are before you can really get a feel for what the show will be like. I also think that the first few episodes tend to feel noticeably different from the rest—everything's a bit more over the top to catch viewers' attention, and the writers are directions are still fine-tuning what approach they're going to take.

      Weirdly, I usually think episode 7 is the sweet spot in a 16 episode drama: by then, you're comfortable with the show and in the thick of its plot, but you're not far enough along for it to have gotten repetitive yet.

      I've only seen episode one of each, but I think I'm going to like both To the Beautiful You and Arang, though ;)

  4. Hey! Thanks a bunch for adding my blog to your list. I didn't think anyone was actually reading it, haha. :/ I'm a fellow American obsessed with overseas television shows, so I think your blog is pretty awesome and this list is a great idea! Thanks again. :)

    1. Your blog was actually one of the first ones I found and bookmarked, after Dramabeans and Couch Kimchi. It's really nicely done, and you always have interesting things to say. It kind of bums me out that there are so many interesting perspectives out there, but most people never really get past the few sites that update all the time... Thusly my random list of links.

      And hooray for American fans of Asian television. There aren't so many of us, but we're way hardcore ;)

    2. Yeah, I agree. I kind of make it a point to look for opinions other than just the main blogs like DB and A Koala's Playground. I tend to go looking for reviews before picking up a drama to watch, so scouring the internet for blogs is an everyday thing, haha. I'm glad you like reading my opinions... I tend to ramble most of the time. :)

    3. I'm the same way, but I save the reviews for *after* watching, because I hate being spoiled. Which is probably why I love ramblers: they make you appreciate random things about the show you didn't notice when you watched.

    4. Haha, I'm a glutton for punishment. I always read the reviews before and get spoiled, then regret having read them at all. *sigh* I'll probably never learn, either, and just keep doing it. I agree... I always find the longer reviews more interesting. The ones that get into the nitty gritty and cover the details of a drama. That's probably why I ramble so much myself. I'm all for going "deep and narrow" rather than "shallow and broad."

  5. YES, this is AMAZING, and incredibly comprehensive! So helpful! I'm always looking for new sources with interesting perspectives on k-dramas/movies but it's been a bit hit and miss. It will be fun to go through all these when I get some time...

    By the way, your blog is totally one of my favourites for checking out what's going on, and getting a fun, smart take on k-dramas.

    1. Why does it feel cooler to be called one of someone's favorites when they spell it with a u? ::Ponders:: At any rate, it does!

      I just wish there were more Kdrama sites out there. But I suppose somebody on the planet has to carry on with having a real life, or nothing would get done ;)

    2. Just wait until I swap my -"er's" to "re's"... Outside Seoul is the centre of my k-drama blog reading experience. HA!

    3. ::swoons dead away:: RE!!

      I was actually just reading your review of Moonrise Kingdom and thinking I need to find someplace it's still showing. I love that Wes Anderson and have been obsessed with YA since long before I was even a YA myself, so it's likely to be my favorite movie of all time. And yet...the stupid movie theaters in my hick town don't show anything that Channing Tatum isn't starring in ;)

  6. Thanks for including my blog in your list- for someone on the verge of giving up blogging in the midst of all other busy-ness it was an awesome encouragement! Plus who doesn't want to look at more drama links? ;)

    1. Real life is such a hassle, huh? I like your blog a lot—it's fun and breezy and I really trust your opinions. Here's hoping you keep posting :)

  7. Hello, first timer here!

    Thank you for linking me, not only for the honour (xDD) but also it has led me into discovering your niftily funny and insightful page! Mind if I return the favour (by linking you that is, not with the funny, insightful commentary, LOL)?

    I agree, there is an overwhelming amount of drama blogs out there and it's always difficult to figure out which ones are the styles suited best to you. I think I will definitely be going through your blogroll now to expand my own horizons.

    Anyways, I also really want to make mention of the image at the top of this post. Someone needs to officially diagnose this condition in the medical world. Until I saw the pic, I didn't realise I had it. Thanks for sharing, Not sure if I should be laughing, crying, be very concerned... or just go back to doing what I was doing, LOL.

    1. Thanks for the kind words! Absolutely feel free to link to me—it would be an honor ;) As I was putting together this post, I was sighing over your Sungkyunkwan Scandal scene rating. Sad but true: I'm so obsessed with that show that I actually *envy* people who are watching it for the first time.

      If anything, I wish there were more drama blogs out there: I love reading what people have to say about the shows almost as much as I like watching them. And like so many things at the Drama Queen blog, the image at the top of this post is an almost painfully accurate representation of the free time I spend at the computer. (And probably some of the time I'm not so free, like, for example, when I should be working.) Oh well.

  8. Linking done! Awesome! :-)

    I'm glad someone's envying me because I was sure as heck slamming my own face for not having picked up the gem earlier. But even though it's been two years, I am still finding people, just like you, are every bit as fervent in discussing it (which totally works for me.) It's no doubt a classic for the ages and a default feel-good drama to go to and re-watch when you need a pick-me-up! Btw, care to share your favourite character out of the Jalgeum Quartet? ;)

    One last thing, no time is wasted on the activities we behold as, ah, fans. haha. Have to say though, tumblr gifs are a real killer, especially when you try to load multiple pages at once WHILST doing "other" things at the same time (and capped bandwidth doesn't help either.)

  9. Good god, this is, like, the most beautiful post. It's so..comprehensive. Lol, I guess that was the point. Bookmarking this!

  10. Hi Amanda, thanks for adding link to my site.

    1. My pleasure—your site is gorgeous, and you update so often!

    2. Thanks. I'm a k-drama person myself - the OST's made me like k-pop music ^^ (but i don't have the talent to write reviews). It's fun reading your reviews i'll look forward to your future updates.

      By the way, I'm adding your blog to my blogroll.


  11. Hello, thank you for linking me on your list. As A.E. Hall said, it rather encouraging. Thank you~ also I will look at the other blogs, it will be nice to see different opinions regarding dramas I'm currently watching or watched until now. ^^

    1. I just realized I messed up your site's name :( It's been fixed—sorry!

      I'm looking forward to reading your recaps of The Thousandth Man...it looks like a fun show.

    2. Don't worry both are okay ^^

  12. Hi! I really love your blog.<3
    Have you checked out http://www.showboom.com/index.php ?

  13. Hello! I'm a writer for Dinoseoul and I happened to come across this post. Just like to say thank you for this; we are relatively new and we're so happy to know that people are enjoying our reads. Really appreciate it. Thank you again! :)

    1. I hadn't even realized Dinoseoul was new—it looks super polished and professional. I hope you continue your drama coverage, which is fun reading for a drama junkie like me :)

  14. Hey, thanks for adding my blog to your list! Surprised that people besides my friends who I forced to read it are reading it! :D

    And I think it's time that I stopped being so fangirl-y and that I should give credit to my relative intelligence and show that I can infer more from dramas; besides the fact that Song Seung Hun and Gong Yoo have bodies which a chippendale would be more than proud of...

    1. But why would you want to stop being fangirl-y when it's so fun? ;) I especially like that you post English translations of Korean songs, which I'm always curious about. Good luck with your blog!

  15. Oh my God! I hadn't checked out your links in a while. I'm glad I did. Thanks for doing all the hard work for me. Also, thanks for adding me. :)

  16. oh my golly goodness gracious great balls of fire i cannot even begin to express how HAPPY i am right now! and... very concerned for my 'real' world (whatever that means) productivity level for the foreseeable future... ^^
    it's an honor being included in your linkapoloza, and i am so soooo very happy to have found your site (via those who were referred to ours through this wonderful page). i sound positively maudlin, but i LOVE all your posts and love love looove your writing -- when i'm not frantically trying to turn back to a normal, healthy shade after the green-eyed monster makes its visit ;) but yes, thank you for all the witty, insightful posts, and thank you for kindly including our madhouse of a blog on your lovely list. i look forward to reading more of your wonderful thoughts!

    1. Stop! I'm blushing! ;) I enjoyed reading your coverage of Answer Me 1997—you watched the show a bit before me, and it did my heart good to know that someone else was so paralyzed with love for it they could barely go about their day-to-day life. It was such a good show, and there was so much good to be said about it...sigh.

    2. Awww, thank you for the kind words! The Answer Me 1997 days were definitely a pretty crazily wonderful time ;) My heart still clenches whenever I see a picture from the show or hear the OST... sigh. I wonder when I will be cured of 1997heartclenchitis...

  17. How about Ask a Korean! (http://askakorean.blogspot.com) for your Life in Korea/News/Gossip section? His blog is one Korean's opinion, of course, but it's an extensive, well-written, and seriously fascinating site. His front page post on Gangnam Style is by far the most illuminating piece I've read on the Psy phenomenon. And he does take new questions. I know I have a few...

    1. Added. I can't believe I didn't have this site on my list! I love it—thanks for the reminder.

  18. Thank you for linking my modest blog. I don't update as often as I'd like to (real life sucks) but it's still nice (but weird really) to have random fans stumbling into my site.

    And psst, I'm going to just whisper this quietly : "I think I have all the symptoms above. Where do I find a dramadoc?"

    1. Ah, but the only treatment for drama obsession is more of the same—you have to keep watching until you're completely sick of it. (Or so I tell myself. I haven't gotten there yet, and it's looking unlikely in the next calendar year, too.)

      I also get a little weirded out to realize that random people I don't know read my blog. But I guess if we didn't want to share our thoughts, we wouldn't bother with them!

    2. I tried that strategy with pizza once. Which has allowed me to enjoy pizza, and lots of it, without a qualm - or the slightest dimunition of passion - for more years than I care to admit :)

      I get weirded out when I think people I DO know might be reading my blog. I'm so used to telling non-drama-fans about it and seeing the "I really don't know how to react to that so I'll change the subject" look.

  19. Hi Amanda! I'm totally enamored with your blog! I love your writing style and point of view as someone, like you say, from the outside. I'd love to chat with you, but I couldn't find your contact info anywhere. Thanks for linking to my little site, btw :) Hit me up sometime at boss@soompi, or @soomp on Twitter <3

    1. Ha! "Little site"? Soompi is so fabulously comprehensive and wonderful that I'm afraid to visit—I worry I might never leave. Thanks for the kind words about my blog. I don't have much to offer to the conversation about Kdrama, really, but I try.

      I guess I should put up contact information, as the whole reason I started writing here was to find people to talk with about Korean television ;) I'm not a Twitter user (got to make time to earn a living after all), but my e-mail is llamaesque[@]aol.com.

  20. Wow! Thanks so much for including our little blog in your Linkapalooza!! Like many of the other commenters it always blows our mind when we discover someone out there is actually reading what we have to say, it's very weird. We were positive that it was just our family & friends pretending to be other non existent people reading us, just trying to make us feel better about our endeavor. So thank you very much. I love your writing style & am looking forward to checking out those other great sites. It's good to know we aren't the only ones out there happily addicted to the wonderful world of "K"!

  21. Thanks for including me on here! That's awesome. I'll put this in my blogroll for other k-drama obsessed!

    1. As the world's biggest Internet geek, I feel it's my responsibility to share great things I uncover. So of course you're here ;) Thanks for the link back!

  22. Hi,there!

    You make me feel better with this blog. I'm beginning to think being addicted to Kdramas is a disease and maybe I should go looking for a support group K-Anonymous, or something. But since I found your site, I'll just visit this instead. I'm not sure I want to be cured anyway. Would it be alright to pin the picture you have above to Pinterest?

    1. I'm not sure it's possible to recover from Kdrama addiction—I think you just need to let it run its course. (Or that's what I tell myself, when I'm sitting on the couch watching television instead of doing something constructive or having a social life.) It's best to find fellow sufferers and enjoy ;)

      The picture above isn't mine. I borrowed it from the site Drama Queen, which is also full of obsessive discussion of Asian dramas. You should check it out!

  23. Omo! This might be the most amazing list ever!!!! And thanks for the add! I think this totally needs to go on our blog list too!

  24. Whoa, thanks for putting me on your list! I feel shameful since I'm not that big of a drama fan. I'm very seasonal as in if I'm obsessed with an actor enough to go through 16 hours of film.

    But I think it's so cool how you've compiled all these bloggers! I too thought there wasn't any personally owned K-drama blogs out there but guess I'm wrong. More friends to spazz out with >A<

  25. Thanks so much for adding me to your blogroll! You've inspired me to write more often ^_^

  26. Wow! Thanks for adding me to your list! I am stoked! :D

    Love your blog! I've added your blog and this post to my blogroll too, so that others can benefit from all your research ;) Awesome list - I plan to take it slow, checking them all out! ;)

  27. Golly, thanks for linking my blog, Ginkgohill! I've added a link to yours too :D Great site!

  28. It's an honor to be featured in this list and I have to thank you for compiling the sites associated with Korean dramas. More blogs mean more insights about certain dramas and I'm always fascinated on the different effects a drama has on the people watching it. I also enjoy reading your thoughts. Keep writing!

    This is another blog I found the other day: http://creatingvolumes.wordpress.com/ I love reading the posts so I thought it's good to share the link with everyone :)

    1. Yay! Thank you for the link—I always keep an eye out for new sites to add, but haven't come across many lately.

      I consider this list as community service work I have to do to atone for the many, many hours I spend reading Kdrama blogs. (Including yours!)

  29. Thanks for adding me to your list! Also, I wanted to let you know I just moved to a self-hosted blog with my own domain name. I have redirects in place, but you can update if you'd like. The new address is http://www.cherrybcordial.com.

  30. Hello, I totally like your blog! I am now following it yay! I don't want to sound annoying or spam your blog or anything, but I just started my own and just wondering if you could link it or something? Thanks for taking your time to read this. I hope you reply :)


  31. Aw thanks very much for the addition of blogphilic (I call it b-philic, despite the blog title of "You Don't Know Me" aha) to the list :)

  32. Amanda...random question...I cannot for the life of me get the RSS feed for K-What?!? to work...I always get an html error message if I try and add it to a blog list. You have managed it, and I was wondering if there was a secret to it...

    1. I'm sort of rubbish at really techie things. I wonder if the owner of K-What?!? hasn't enabled the RSS feed? I think that's something Blogger makes you do. When I link to things I just use old-fashioned HTML href tags.

    2. I have talked with the owner... and she thought that her RSS feed was active, but maybe I will send her this link and she can double check. ^^ Thanks for your help! Maybe I will enter it in using html and see if that works.

  33. Hey Amanda! Love your site! I started my own Kdrama review blog and would appreciate it if you added it to your list (if you think it's worthy). Thanks! =)


  34. That's a pretty good list.
    Hope you can add my site www.koreandramafashion.com
    I do episode review of Korean Dramas and their fashion styles.


  35. It would mean the world to me if you can add my site http://isabellelovestorant.wordpress.com/ It's still pretty new, but it's where I give my honest opinions on dramas and music. There'll be lots of commentary and random spazzing ahead if I come across a really good drama. This is probably irrelevant but I think it would be great if you can check Nine now, it's pretty intriguing plus the ending of the show compels you to think.

    1. You're added.

      Everywhere I go, people are talking about the ending of Nine. I'm definitely going to watch it soon...thanks for the rec.

      Good luck with your blog!

  36. Thank you for linking me! Oh mah goodness. I feel fantastic just knowing I am not alone in my obsession. Your list just made my day.... Well, by make, I mean, my entire day has been looking through every single site.

    Thank you so much again!

  37. Thank you for linking us! :)
    Out of curiosity..how'd you find Give Me Dramas?

    1. I'm always on the lookout for new Kdrama sites, and I think I found you with a Google search for Coffee Prince (which I do so often that I'm surprised the type hasn't worn off on the associated keys of my keyboard).

      Congrats on the move to .com :)

  38. Wow i have just figured out you linked my blog!!

    Thank you so much!! This is very exciting for me and it is a wonderful feeling to join the online kdrama community and feel less alone in my obsession! :-)
    Thank you :-)

  39. Hello Amanda,

    Let me join the chorus of happily surprised bloggers out there who just discovered that you linked us on this fantastic list. I'm a bit slow so I just figured it out today so I spent some time visiting your site and really liking what I read. It is a pleasure to meet a fellow lover of the kind of great storytelling KDrama has to offer.

    Thank you!

  40. Hey! Thank you for including <a href="http://www.managerhyung.blogspot.com/>Manager Hyung</a>!!! Really appreciated!

    I'm glad you have started your journey through K-dramas. I'm pretty confident to say you'll have to be ready as this doesn't go away easily. Hopefully, Manager Hyung will be able to help you throughout it. hahaha

    And yeah, real life's a hassle. Pft.

    Thanks again!

  41. Hello,

    My name is Nicholas Sanford, and I am reaching out from DramaFever.com, the leading online platform for over 15,000 subtitled and HD Asian dramas & popular TV shows, including titles like Flower Boy Next Door, Rooftop Prince, Running Man, and Mischievous Kiss, our exclusive Japanese simulcast. I wasn't able to find any contact information for you, so I am just commenting here.

    I think there's a tremendous opportunity for us to work together. Our affiliate program allows you to provide high-quality "added value" content for your readers and monetize underused space on your site.

    If you'd like to learn more about us and our affiliate programs, please contact me and read more here: http://www.dramafever.com/company/#/affiliates You do not, however, need to email the affiliate email address. You can email me directly.

    I would love to hear any ideas that you might have on how we can work together. I look forward to hearing back from you!

    Nicholas Sanford
    Business Development

  42. WOW Bravo! Thank you for such a comprehensive list!I've been wishing for something like this and ta da!!!! Here it is, thank you again and again!

  43. Yippiieee~!!! Silent Alley finally on your list~!!!

    so great! Thank you Amanda ~ヾ(^∇^)

  44. Awesome!
    Thank you!

  45. Thanks for adding my blog to your list :)

  46. Hi! Just dropping by to share a blog I found. It has the recaps for The Queen's Classroom! :D


  47. Thank you so much for adding my blog to the list! You have no idea how happy this made me :)

  48. I found the fastest uploader for I Hear Your Voice.
    check out violetwitch.com or the other site witchesofsilentalley.weebly.com

  49. Thanks for adding my blog to your list!

  50. I stop by your blog all the time and I love it! I love this list, I have found so many new blogs. I have recently started my own blog. www.dramabubbles.blogspot.com I would love it if you would add it to your list. Thank you so much in advance!

  51. Dear Amanda, you're such a gem! Just a suggestion, since you have a relatively long list for "Drama commentary, reviews, and recaps", could you indicate your preferences/favourites in the future/when you are free? That would be greatly appreciated! Anyway you're on my Bookmark list! Keep up the great job, dear!

    Love from Singapore! ^^

  52. Hi,Thank you so much for adding our blog to your drama list :)

  53. I truly appreciate this post. I’ve been looking everywhere for this!
    link wheel service

  54. holy crap, batman... we need to look into this kdrama!

    ah, me too, a soggy soybean plucked from soil, forgive me! ever since i "cut the cable" and opted out of standard/censored american bullshit offerings, i entered the world of this new genre as a wide-eyed anime newbie like no other!!!

    i'm over 50, so my amazement is ludicrous... BUT, these are my tops, both current and not so current:

    When A Man Loves
    This Winter, The Wind Blows
    Miss You
    49 Days
    Level 7 Civil Servant
    City Hunter
    Nice Guy
    Story of a Man
    I Hear Your Voice
    Boys Over Flowers
    Baker King Kim Tak Gu

    Crazy Love
    Good Doctor
    Who Are You?
    Master's Sun
    Two Weeks

    i'm now finding "learning korean" vids on YouTube, and want to travel for the Muju Firefly Festival some year!!

    thank you for these links, master soybean!

  55. I was very pleased to find this site. I definitely enjoyed reading every little bit of it and I have it bookmarked to check out new stuff posted regularly.
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  57. Just found this list. Thank you, just the list I need. And may I add I love reading your insights on kdrama. Thank you for making people like me feel"i am not alone" as a hopeless k drama addict. Hehe

  58. Wooow, so many links to all the stuff I like! daebak! :)

    ps. by the way this dramapop thingy is a page about Madonna.

  59. Thanks for adding us to the list. <3

  60. You should add this to your list. I just came across today.


  61. Does anyone has issues opening Dramaholic it takes me to FB page and nothing happens after.

  62. I've been a silent lurker here on your site for about two months now. I was perusing this list, which I've done often since it has so many awesome places to go and squee about the drama's that I adore when... I saw you added my blog, Drama Noona, to your list! I just about died. I wanted to offer a big and honest thank you for sneaking me in with all these other amazing places to discuss dramas. Thank you again for including my little corner of the net to this list!

    1. Now that you have so graciously added me to the list I actually just moved my blog last night. The new address is http://thedramanoona.wordpress.com/

  63. Wow, nice list! And thanks for adding us! :)

  64. You got such a cool blogsite and I wish ya all the best. You might wanna visit mine too : http://theplanetmajinbu.blogspot.com/

  65. As if digging myself deeper into k-drama land was any harder, I had to stumble on your blog and this post....big trouble I'm in. I should make my addiction into a 9-5 job...Ottokae???

  66. As one of the anonymous visitors stats appearing in your dashboard daily, I thought I'd finally sit down in your comment box and introduce myself: "Word up, buttercup." (Fumbled fist bumping that ends up looking more like paddy cake). I've drunk the Kool-Aid and started a blog. Just humorous opinion-based reviews, mainly. Still, I would be honored to make your mega-list.

  67. Hello there! I just stumbled upon your blog today. I would just recommend that you check out
    dramacool.com for Streaming/download sources. ;)

  68. you should also add GoodDrama.net in Streaming/download sources

  69. Thank you so much for including my blog in the list. It's an honor because you're one of my favorite bloggers! :)

  70. Hey, thanks for adding us! Great site, by the way... I love the field guides.

  71. HI. Thank you for your list I was wondering where I could find a TV rankin for 2014. Like a top 20 of most watched TV drama, or weekly ranking or something ? I'd like to know wich drama are the most watched at the moment and since January. I can't read Korean so if it couldbe in English that woulod be amazing.

    Maybe you have a direct link ?

    I tried some of those you talked about but I can't seems to find my way on the sites web -.-

  72. This guy, Mister X from subbing period (with2), is either taking a break or hung it up. Nevertheless, his posts are insightful, boastfully, humorously erudite, and it comes with a best 500 list. I posted this under your Favorites, but I'll send this again in hopes your notified of replies since this doesn't appear above.


  73. Thanks for adding my silly site!

  74. Thanks for featuring SEOULfi in your list. Very much appreciated. ^^

  75. Thank you for adding amusings to your terrific list of drama resources.

  76. Another streaming site is dramacool.com. I found A Wife's Credentials there, with English subtitles. Had looked everywhere for it.

  77. Hi, if you can, please add http://incheontips.wordpress.com Hope to help people who are settling in incheon/ songdo.

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  79. Thanks for having us on your link list. We always love checking out other bloggers as well. Will have to check out some new ones. fr...The crazy ahjummas

  80. Thanks for having us on your link list. We always love checking out other bloggers as well. Will have to check out some new ones. fr...The crazy ahjummas

  81. Replies
    1. actually it's only 10.50 pm in ireland :)

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    Thậm chí, có những công việc làm phổ thông hiện nay còn rất thiếu nhân sự như các vị trí giúp việc khi mà gia chủ phải bỏ ra cả triệu đồng vẫn không tìm được người. Bên cạnh đó, các công trường, nhà máy. Khu công nghiệp mọc lên rất nhiều cũng là nơi thu hút được số lượng nhân sự tìm việc làm lao động phổ thông rất cao.

  104. Horoscope – Dự báo các cung hoàng đạo
    hôm nay, ngày mai chính xác nhất | Tổng hợp những thông tin chiêm tinh học xung quanh 12 cung hoàng đạo.

  105. Trào ngược axit dạ dày còn có tên gọi khác là bệnh trào ngược dạ dày (GERD). Bệnh này xảy ra khi chất dịch từ dạ dày di chuyển ngược về phía thực quản.
    Tổng quan
    Trào ngược dạ dày xảy ra khi chất lỏng từ dạ dày di chuyển lên thực quản. Nó còn được gọi là trào ngược axit hoặc trào ngược dạ dày thực quản. Nếu bạn có các triệu chứng trào ngược axit nhiều hơn hai lần một tuần, bạn có thể mắc một chứng bệnh gọi là trào ngược dạ dày thực quản (GERD).
    Theo Viện Quốc gia về Bệnh tiểu đường và Tiêu hóa và Bệnh thận (NIDDK), GERD ảnh hưởng đến khoảng 20 phần trăm người dân ở Hoa Kỳ. Nếu không được điều trị, nó đôi khi có thể gây ra các biến chứng nghiêm trọng.
    Nguyên nhân trào ngược dạ dày
    Cơ vòng thực quản dưới (LES) là một dải cơ tròn ở cuối thực quản của bạn. Khi nó hoạt động bình thường, nó sẽ giãn ra và mở ra khi bạn nuốt. Sau đó, nó thắt chặt và đóng lại sau đó.
    Trào ngược axit xảy ra khi LES của bạn không thắt chặt hoặc đóng lại đúng cách. Điều này cho phép dịch tiêu hóa và các chất khác từ dạ dày trào lên thực quản.
    Điều trị trào ngược dạ dày
    Để ngăn ngừa và làm giảm các triệu chứng của GERD, bác sĩ có thể khuyến khích bạn thay đổi thói quen ăn uống hoặc các hành vi khác.
    Họ cũng có thể đề xuất dùng thuốc không kê đơn, như:
    • Các loại thuốc kháng axit
    • Thuốc chẹn thụ thể H2
    • Thuốc ức chế bơm proton (PPI)
    Trong một số trường hợp, họ có thể kê đơn thuốc chẹn thụ thể H2 hoặc PPI mạnh hơn. Nếu GERD nghiêm trọng và không đáp ứng với các phương pháp điều trị khác, phẫu thuật có thể được khuyến nghị.
    Một số loại thuốc không kê đơn và kê đơn có thể gây ra tác dụng phụ. Tìm hiểu thêm về các loại thuốc hiện có để điều trị GERD.

  106. HP (H. Pylori) là một loại vi khuẩn phát triển phổ biến trong đường tiêu hóa và có xu hướng tấn công niêm mạc dạ dày. Nhiễm khuẩn H. pylori thường vô hại, nhưng chúng là nguyên nhân gây ra phần lớn các vết loét trong dạ dày và ruột non.
    Chữ “H” trong tên là viết tắt của Helicobacter. “Helico” có nghĩa là hình xoắn ốc, chỉ ra rằng vi khuẩn có hình dạng xoắn ốc.
    H. pylori thường lây nhiễm vào dạ dày. Mặc dù nhiễm trùng với chủng vi khuẩn này thường không gây ra triệu chứng, nhưng chúng có thể dẫn đến các bệnh ở một số người, bao gồm viêm loét dạ dày tá tràng và tình trạng viêm bên trong dạ dày của bạn được gọi là viêm dạ dày.
    H. pylori thích nghi để sống trong môi trường có tính axit, khắc nghiệt của dạ dày. Những vi khuẩn này có thể thay đổi môi trường xung quanh chúng và giảm độ axit của nó để chúng có thể tồn tại. Hình dạng xoắn ốc của H. pylori cho phép chúng xâm nhập vào niêm mạc dạ dày của bạn, nơi chúng được bảo vệ bởi chất nhầy và các tế bào miễn dịch của cơ thể bạn không thể tiếp cận chúng. Vi khuẩn có thể cản trở phản ứng miễn dịch của bạn và đảm bảo rằng chúng không bị tiêu diệt. Điều này có thể dẫn đến các vấn đề về dạ dày.

  107. Sự thành công trong chiến thuật mà pharmacity tuyen dungPharmacity tuyển dụng dựa trên nhiều yếu tố, nhưng trong đó có 1 yếu tố là quan trọng nhất, đó là trong quá trình phỏng vấn ngắn ngủi bạn phải đánh giá chính xác nhận thức của ứng viên về khả năng hoàn thành công việc và đạt mục tiêu.

    Vì vậy phỏng vấn tạo sức mạnh có thêm một nghĩa mới đối với những chủ doanh nghiệp nhỏ có ít thời gian chuẩn bị cho buổi phỏng vấn với nguồn tham khảo hạn hẹp như bài kiểm tra, CV xin việc để cứu vãn những quyết định tuyển dụng.

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    Tên truyện: Bách Luyện Thành Thần
    Tác giả: Ân Tứ Giải Thoát
    Thể loại: Dị Giới, Huyền Huyễn, Tiên Hiệp
    Nguồn: Truyện YY, truyenhoangdung.xyz
    Trạng thái: Đang ra

    “La Chinh”, chàng trai có xuất thân trong một gia đình có gia cảnh khủng bố, nhưng La Chinh lại đang gặp phải một kiếp nạn lớn.
    Thấy thế mà phụ thân của hắn đã hợp tác cùng với hai Thánh Nhân đào tạo hắn ngay từ thuở bé.

    +Và bí mật này một ai biết đến, ngay cả bản thân La Chinh cũng không hề hay biết…
    Tình tiết làm cho câu truyện, trở nên thú vị là ở truyện là có rất nhiều nhân vật nữ xinh đẹp và tình tiết truyện lôi cuốn…

    Đọc truyện online full online hay và mới nhất TruyenTR liên tục cập nhật truyện full, nhiều thể loại truyện chữ Top Rank được đánh giá cao từ nhiều nguồn khác nhau

  111. Với số lượng người sử dụng Internet ngày càng nhiều, có nhiều nhà tuyển dụng chọn cách đăng tuyển dụng trên mạng. Có hàng ngàn nhà tuyển dụng sử dụng dịch vụ này để tìm hồ sơ của các ứng viên. Vì vậy, bạn nên đăng ký một tài khoản trên các kênh tuyển dụng 24h để đăng hồ sơ tìm việc. Điều quan trọng là bạn hãy làm đẹp bộ hồ sơ và một bản top cv của riêng mình để làm sao thu hút tạo ấn tượng tốt nhất với nhà tuyển dụng.

  112. Hiện nay có các trang viec lam nhanh và cũng có rất nhiều người đi tìm việc, do đó bạn không nên nghĩ mình hết cơ hội việc làm. Tuy nhiên, trong hàng ngàn những thông tin tuyển dụng trên mạng bạn nên cân nhắc, suy nghĩ kỹ và lưu ý một số điều dưới đây:

    - Tìm hiểu kỹ thông tin ứng tuyển: Cẩn thận tìm hiểu kỹ thông tin người đăng tuyển và công ty thông qua trang cá nhân của họ, thông tin doanh nghiệp, website, sản phẩm họ đang bán, văn hóa công ty…

    - Nhắn tin hỏi rõ công việc ứng tuyển: Sau khi bạn tìm hiểu kỹ thông tin ứng tuyển và thấy phù hợp với công việc thì việc tiếp theo là bạn nên nhắn tin hỏi người đăng tuyển về công việc, mức lương, chế độ đãi ngộ, địa điểm làm việc, giờ giấc…

    - Ứng tuyển CV: Khi bạn đã cảm thấy phù hợp với công việc, việc tiếp theo là bạn cần một bản cv online chuẩn để ứng tuyển gửi CV cho nhà tuyển dụng.

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  114. Truyện: Bách Luyện Thành Thần
    • Tác giả: Ân Tứ Giải Thoát
    • Thể loại: Tiên Hiệp, Dị Giới, Huyền Huyễn
    • Nguồn: Truyện YY, Truyện Hoàng Dung
    • Trạng thái: Đang cập nhật
    Cốt truyện nói về La Chinh xuất thân trong một gia đình có bối cảnh khủng bố, nhưng La Chinh lại mắc phải một kiếp nạn lớn. Vì vậy mà phụ thân của hắn đã hợp tác cùng với hai Thánh Nhân đào tạo hắn ngay từ khi sinh ra. Và không một ai biết đến bí mật này, ngay cả bản thân La Chinh cũng không hề hay biết.

    Điều làm nên sự thú vị ở truyện là có rất nhiều nhân vật nữ xinh đẹp và tình tiết truyện lôi cuốn.

    La Chinh là nhân vật chính trong truyện - Là nhân vật dự đoán sẽ tu luyện liên tục từ đầu truyện cho đến cuối truyện và sẽ vượt lên tất cả trở thành đỉnh cao của võ học.

    Với thiên phú đỉnh cao của mình - La Chinh sẽ và gần như hấp thu toàn bộ cơ duyên, võ học của nhân loại và liên tục tạo ra kỳ tích lội ngược dòng để chiến thắng số phận, cứu giúp mọi người xung quanh.

    Tính cách: Mạnh mẽ, quyết đoán và thông minh - tính cách nhân vật này tuyệt đối hoàn hảo.

    Ngoại hình: đẹp trai, có nhiều nét thu hấp - minh chứng là có thể thu hút rất nhiều mỹ nhân thuộc top trong truyện, main mà đương nhiên người đẹp phải gục ngã hết rồi.

    Cơ duyên: Đỉnh của đỉnh, là con cưng của tác giả mà, không đỉnh mới lạ.
    Truyện này mình nghĩ là đa số các bạn mê truyện kiếm hiệp hay, tiên hiệp đều sẽ rất thích, nếu các bạn chưa đọc thì hãy tranh thủ đọc để cảm nhận đi nhé.

  115. Sau khi kết thúc thời gian tuyen dung, nhiều nhà tuyển dụng rất “đau đầu” khi đối mặt với 2 tình trạng: Quá nhiều hồ sơ hoặc quá ít hồ sơ.

    Đối với trường hợp quá nhiều hồ sơ: Dù sao, đây là tín hiệu mừng trong quá trình tuyển dụng. Đối với hồ sơ này, bên cạnh phương pháp sàng lọc hồ sơ dựa vào kiến thức, kinh nghiệm, kĩ năng, dưới đây là một mẹo lọc hồ sơ hiệu quả như:

    + Dành ít thời gian để sàng lọc ra các ứng viên không phù hợp (giai đoạn 1), và dành nhiều thời gian đánh giá các ứng viên có nhiều khả năng thành công nhất (giai đoạn 2).

    + Không đánh giá dựa trên “bề nổi”. Nghĩa là sẽ có ứng viên“trông vậy chứ không phải vậy”. Các ứng viên tốt nghiệp từ lĩnh vực kỹ thuật thường không trình bày hồ sơ “mướt mát” như các ứng viên tốt nghiệp từ các ngành xã hội. Vì vậy bạn cần tìm hiểu thật kỹ điều cốt lõi là thành tích của ứng viên thông qua cv xin viec.

    + Tránh so sánh các ứng viên với nhau. Điều bạn cần làm là so sánh ứng viên dự tuyển với tiêu chuẩn của ứng viên lý tưởng để tìm ra người phù hợp nhất.

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